Games are cool. Economics is cool. Game Economics is just beginning.

Re-Rewriting Economic History

Will Luton argues on the dangers and solutions to F2P inflation over at While there are some missteps in the opening of the article, Will makes a powerful and elegant point: …a sale can only be considered profitable if the net revenue from the start of the sale until resource equilibrium, and so demand, is…

How to Measure Whales

You’ve soft launched your game, done a UA push, and a string of hope appears. Against all odds, a dominant cohorted ARPU curve emerges! Is this this an anomaly or have you caught a whale? The first way to examine this is to perform cointegration tests between the cohorted ARPU curves, testing for stastistical significance.…

Optimal Area Currency With Milton

In hindsight, one of Friedman’s great predictions is the Eurozone crisis. Despite being a massive champion for flexible exchange rates, Friedman never advocated for a common European currency. Europe exemplifies a situation unfavourable to a common currency. It is composed of separate nations, speaking different languages, with different customs, and having citizens feeling far greater…